Banana and Salted Caramel Date 'Nice' Cream

This is a ‘nice cream’ that you can easily experiment some fun flavour combinations with- stir through nuts, chocolate chips, berries or even peanut butter swirls. I have gone with a salted caramel date sauce and this can easily be made dairy free or vegan by using an alternative milk.

Salted Caramel Date Sauce:

100g dates (roughly 18)3/4 tsp salt
1.5 tsp vanilla essence½ cup milk

Banana Nice Cream:

6 very ripe bananas2T honey or maple syrup (optional)
½ cup milk

Salted caramel date sauce
1. Soften dates in boiling water for five minutes
2. Drain dates and place in a blender or food processor with salt, vanilla and milk.
3. Blend until smooth.
4. Set aside or place in fridge until ready to use.

Banana nice cream
1. Slice bananas up and freeze.
2. Once bananas are frozen, remove from freezer and let thaw for 5 minutes.
3. Place bananas, maple syrup/honey if using, and milk in a blender or food processor.
4. Whip until combined and creamy.
5. Place half the mixture in a lined loaf tin and swirl 2T of sauce through.
6. Place the rest of the mixture in tin and swirl 2T (or more if you would like more of a caramel flavour) sauce through.
7. Place in freezer to harden and ready to consume.